Your Best Home.

Joe Snell • ISBN: 9781743369159 • Murdoch Books • Paperback • Page Extent: 256 pp

How getting the design fundamentals of your home right can lead to a more fulfilling, happy and healthy life, from former House Rules judge Joe Snell.

Your Best Home: 5 Spaces x 5 Design Steps = A Better Life can be applied to any home. It doesn’t need to be a mansion, flash apartment or chocolate-box country cottage.

Whether you’re renovating, building or just want a quick-fix, good home design can lead to a better life for you, your family and your neighbourhood.

Joe’s five design steps are SPACE, LIGHT, AIR, SOUND and VIEW and he shows how to apply these to your Entry, Living Room, Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom.

“It doesn’t matter how big or small your home,” says Joe, “if its basic design elements are right it will be a wonderful place to live and grow.”

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